Project Brief
This project was submitted as an assignment for a narrative information design paper at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand. 
The brief asked us to select information from research on an endangered native species and present it through a narrative to a target audience through a medium that would appeal to them.
The call to action across the motion graphic and the T-shirts is to learn more about the takahē, see a takahē at one of the publicly accessible wild and sanctuary sites, donate to the recovery programme or provide support to the recovery programme more generally. I decided to tell this story through a motion graphic. The idea would be to have it shareable via some forms of social media and video sharing platforms, but it would primarily be accessed from the Takahē Recovery Programme's website (which is part of the Department of Conservation's website).
The overall target audience for the motion graphic is New Zealander’s between the ages of 25 and 65 years with disposal income, access to the internet and social media, and who have an interest in supporting conservation efforts for native species. 
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